Hello 2016.

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Jumping into 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We definitely did.

While my husband and the kids get excited about Christmas, I get excited about the new year.

Not New Year’s Eve so much as the fresh start in the new year.

I even like New Year’s Resolutions.
I never understood why people were so down about New Year’s Resolutions.  True, they can be a bit cliche, and most people don’t keep them.  But if we’re honest with ourselves, it’s not the New Year or the Resolution’s fault that they don’t work out. It’s us.

Also, why is it that when we fail, we can’t start again?  You stopped going to the gym in February so forget it? Does that mean March doesn’t count? Can we ONLY go to the gym if we start in January?

Anyway, all that being said, I don’t usually set specific resolutions but general goals: Foster a sense of community, be a better friend, be as excited for other people’s successes as I would be for my own, take time to figure out what direction I want to take my career in. It doesn’t mean losing 10lbs is off the list entirely, but setting these kinds of goals have improved my life quite a bit and even if I feel like I could have done better at these things, I don’t feel like I failed.

I also often think of years in terms of themes. Last year was kind of serendipitous… As I went into the year with the goal of figuring out what my next steps were career-wise having no idea I would be making the sudden decision to leave my job in December.

So, for the first time in a long time I’ll be identifying more as a stay at home mom than a working mom. I can’t say that transition isn’t bittersweet and a little scary.

And so it seems as though 2016 is shaping up to be the year of domesticity, but also the year of entrepreneurship. Focusing on how to shape my career around my home life rather than the other way around.

And that is a New Year’s Resolution I can definitely get behind. If I accomplish nothing else but that I’ll feel pretty good.

Losing 10 pounds would also be nice.


Do you love or hate New Year’s Resolutions?

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5 thoughts on “Hello 2016.

  1. Hope you will find the adjustment to stay at home full time easy. I agree losing10 lbs would be nice! I have a hard time sticking to new year resolutions but I’ve decided 2016 is THE year to stick to the resolutions.

  2. I love a fresh start. I think the seasons are great cues, and I find new starts all throughout the year. The New Year feels a little meh to me. So much change on the horizon…I’m just putting one foot in front of the other for now and keeping my intentions small. Your transition sounds exciting and I look forward to hearing more!

    1. It has surprised me how much of an adjustment it is. I agree with you about fresh starts throughout the year, I feel them more strongly in the new year and in the fall, but spring offers that as well.

      1. Yeah, Spring, Summer, Fall feel easier than Winter because the Solstice falls right smack in the middle of the crazy holiday season…no time to think about the new season until the New Year hits. 🙂 My transitions in and out of work have always felt challenging. I’m left wanting for something in every scenario. Working on it though!

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